Work for Absent Pupils
The resources on this page are to be used to support any pupil who is not able to be in school and to supplement any work provided by their teacher. Work should be undertaken in line with the subjects missed during the absence.
The websites and work listed on this page are suitable for Years 7 – 11 as the websites offer differentiated levels. Students should use their own judgement as to their current level and hence the most appropriate task to complete.
Please keep a record of the work that you have completed to show to your relevant teachers upon your return to normal lessons.
Work for the week is uploaded centrally onto students' Google Classrooms and labelled Work for not in school (start date - end date), so that students can access the work they should complete if they are off school. Students should access this work, complete it and submit it to their teacher.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- – Use this website to find and research your current English text; make detailed notes
- Read your current reading book; review what you’ve read and complete a character analysis
- Google Site for students to use to catch up on class learning and revision for English
- – Your child will need their Hegarty login details for this website. Work through the appropriate lessons and videos in accordance with your progression in class.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- Revision guides and books available for collection from school – work through the topics you are currently studying in class.
- Visit and work through any exercises that are appropriate to your age and level.
- Use the Pixl Math app - Contact the school for your child’s logon
- - select the topic that you are completing in class. Make sure you pick the right year group.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- Revision guides and books available for collection from school - work through the topics you are currently studying in class.
- Check Google Classroom - each lesson is posted there along with the relevant materials. Work should be completed in your exercise book or on paper (and bring in to your next lesson) unless otherwise stated.
- Draw a natural or man-made object in still life using observational skills. Use a range of techniques and equipment
- – Explore this website. Research Barbara Hepworth and make detailed notes on the impact she has had on the Art community.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- Year 10/11 Students: Continue with your current assignment on Google Classroom.
- Revision Guides available and have been provided to all year 11 pupils. Workbooks are available at a cost of £3.
Design Technology
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- –This website has a wealth of resources under a wide range of headings. Select a topic that is suitable for your age and work through the questions and activities.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- Draw and design a costume for a character of your choice.
- Watch live theatre clips on YouTube and consider how the actors have used their bodies and voice to create meaning.
- Use to fill in the gaps in understanding. Work through a range of activities that are relevant to your age and the topics you are currently studying.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- Use to fill in the gaps in understanding. Work through a range of activities that are relevant to your age and the topics you are currently studying.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- All Computing revision and lesson material is available on Google Classroom.
- Revision guides have been provided to all year 10 and 11 pupils with workbooks available for purchase at £3.
- Use to access your lessons materials your teacher has posted
Modern Foreign Languages
KS3 and KS4 General revision / topic work:
Check google classroom and class charts for any work that you have missed.
Use your booklet / knowledge organiser to keep up to date with the language we are doing in lessons.
Try to keep on top of the vocabulary learning and translation homeworks so that when you return to class you can feel confident. - use links from previous homeworks to revise key words and phrases from your booklet. (you will need to make a login)
You can also search quizlet for any vocab lists that you like and practise those. - Selec
*Pick the correct exam board for KS4 revision - we do AQA Seneca learning - choose the age group and language and find a topic or grammar point that you want to practice. Work through the different sections.
KS3 and KS4 Grammar and sentence structures: - press the 'Use without account' button when you get to the page - pick a verb tense and have a go! - go to French or Spanish page, find grammar section and choose what you want to work on.
(There are also topic areas you can try)
KS4 French and Spanish -
Log in using school google account details.
Institution code: lgu3
Go to the textbooks we have used in class - choose foundation or higher, practice your current topic or revise previous ones.
Try the interactive activities on the different pages.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- - Log in with your school account, and continue with your composition.
- A range of worksheets and both ICT & paper-based tasks are available for collection from school – work through the topics you are currently studying in class.
- - Select the topic you are currently studying and then an activity that is suitable for your age.
- BTEC PE – All work and assignments are on Google Classroom. Continue to work through your current assignment and/or research and prepare for your next assignment.
- Revision booklets are available for collection from school – work through the topics you are currently studying in class.