GCSE Theology
Curriculum Overview
As a Catholic school, the Theology Education curriculum follows the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) as set out by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
The aim of the teaching in Theology Education is to encourage all of our pupils to think about different beliefs in God, challenging questions such as the meaning and purpose of life, and to consider issues of right and wrong.
The Theology Education curriculum challenges pupils academically as the subject is rigorous in assessment and teaches pupils how to express opinion and belief with deep levels of analysis in extended writing.
How will I be assessed?
There are three exams that will be taken one at the end of Year 11.
Paper 1: Catholic Christianity (1 hour 45 minutes)
Paper 2: Judaism (50 minutes)
Paper 3: Philosophy and Ethics (50 minutes)
For each unit there is an end of unit test. This takes the form of an exam style question and is marked using the exam marking scheme.
Important Overview Documents
Curriculum Rationale
Key Learning Steps
Year 10 Road Map
Year 11 Road Map
Practice Questions
The Theology Faculty have provided a booklet which contains practice questions and speciment papers (with markschemes) which covers all modules. To access this booklet, please click here.
Christian Beliefs and Teachings
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Christian Practices
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Forms of Expression and Ways of Life
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Sources of Wisdom and Authority
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Arguments for the Existence of God
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Relationships and Families in the 21st Century
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Judaism - Beliefs and Teachings
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Judaism Practices
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Useful Links