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Student Destinations

St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School - Destination of Leavers 2022

All Males Females
Access Creative college 1 1 0
apprenticeship 8 5 3
ON SITE 3 3 0
Boomsatsuma 0 0 0
Bristol Cathedral School 2 2 0
Bristol Grammer School 1 0 1
City of Bristol College 41 18 23
Hospital Education 1 0 1
Redmaid's High School 2 0 2
Reflections 1 0 1
SGS 4 2 2
St Mary Redcliffe 9 1 8
St. Brendan's 61 22 39
St. Mary's CoE High School Harrow 1 1 0
unknown 0 0 0
NEET 1 1 0
Total 136 56 80