OCR Sports Studies
Curriculum Overview
Sport is a key theme in education. The need for people to lead healthy and active rather than sedentary lifestyles is increasingly prominent, and this is reflected in the schools curriculum, where physical education and sport remains core. This qualifications seek to build upon this provision.
The Sports Studies qualification offers pupils the chance to develop different types of skills through largely practical means: communication, problem solving, team working, evaluation and analysis, performing under pressure, and formulating written findings from practical investigation are all transferable skills which can be learned and assessed through these qualifications and utilised in many other educational and employment settings.
How will I be assessed?
There are four units in the OCR Sports Studies module, each worth 25% of the final mark.
The Contemporary Issues in Sport unit is a written exam lasting 1 hour.
The remaining units consist of centre assessed tasks which are externally moderated by the exam board, OCR.
Important Overview Documents
Curriculum Rationale
Key Learning Steps
Year 10 Road Map
Year 11 Road Map
RO51 - Contemporary Issues in Sport
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Practice Questions
RO52 - Developing Sports Skills
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist - LO4
RO54 - Sport and the Media
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist - LO1
Personal Learning Checklist - LO2
Personal Learning Checklist - LO3
Personal Learning Checklist - LO4
Useful Links