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Special Educational Needs

The majority of students with Special Educational Needs are taught in the mainstream classroom by subject specialist teachers. The teachers are supported in meeting the needs of the students with personalised support plans and deliver high quality differentiation to ensure students can access the work. In addition to this, some students are extracted for interventions to support their learning needs.

The Learning Hub is the learning base for the students with the highest level of needs. Mrs Whalley is the SENDCo and Mr Duffield is the Assistant SENDCo. In addition, Miss Rios is an SEN teacher. There is also a team of learning support assistants, who provide classroom based support for a small number of students plus a wide range of learning and well being interventions.

There is a clear curriculum pathway for the highest needs students. The students with the highest level of needs work within small, supportive groups on the core skills of numeracy & literacy. This is complemented by an abridged humanities curriculum for those who have specific learning difficulties linked to literacy. The remainder of the students' time is spent in mainstream lessons, supported by a key adult as appropriate.

The provision continues into Key Stage 4 with alternative option subjects for students, who find a full range of GCSE too challenging. These are taught in small classes, where the teaching is personalized to meet the needs of the learners.

There are also two SEND tutor groups for those students who need additional pastoral support due to their needs, again these are small, supportive groups supervised by SEN teachers.


Please visit the 'Policies' page by clicking here to view the relevant SEND policies and reports.