Curriculum Overview
Our vision in the PE department is the promotion of the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle to inspire engagement in physical activity for life. We want St Bernadette pupils to be equipped with the attributes to open the doors to the world of physical activity, and develop the confidence to walk through them.
This is important as “Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity” (World Health Organisation), utilising healthy activity as a vehicle to develop the life skills pupils will need to make positive contributions to society.
How will I be assessed?
Pupils will be assessed using the school’s 1-6 criteria based grading system that is specific to each activity undertaken by the pupils. This criteria is presented to the pupils in the form of “assessment ladders” that show the requirements for achieving each level. Pupils will undertake a formative assessment for each activity undertaken (this will be in the format of a core task).
Pupils will also be assessed during normal teaching lessons through Q & A to ensure an appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding. As well as having the opportunity to undertake self and peer assessment using the “assessment ladders”, to help them develop in roles such as coach and official.
Important Overview Documents
Curriculum Rationale
Key Learning Steps
Year 7 Road Map
Year 8 Road Map
Year 9 Road Map
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Cricket & Rounders
Knowledge Organiser - Cricket
Knowledge Organiser - Rounders
Personal Learning Checklist - Cricket
Personal Learning Checklist - Rounders
Knowledge Organiser - Discus
Knowledge Organiser - High Jump
Knowledge Organiser - Javelin
Knowledge Organiser - Middle Distance Running
Knowledge Organiser - Relays
Knowledge Organiser - Shot Put
Knowledge Organiser - Sprint Starts
Knowledge Organiser - Sprints
Knowledge Organiser - Throwing Events
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Health Related Exercise
Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Useful Links