Our Governors
Mission Statement
Growing and Learning in FaithOur Mission is to develop the whole person in a Catholic learning community, to provide a loving Christian environment and to strive for excellence, equality, justice and fairness.
At St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School we aim for our young people to be:
- strong and committed in the faith of Christ
- confident of their personal worth
- active in response to Christ’s call to care for others
- responsible members of society
Hence we strive to:
- achieve excellence in all aspects of our life and work
- foster the spiritual growth of each member of our community
- create a happy and successful learning environment
- develop the full potential of each individual
- prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
- work in partnership with home, parish and the wider community
Governors at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School
Governor | Governor Type | Start Date | End Date | Pecuniary Interest | Appointed by |
Mr Stanislaw Biber | Foundation | 08/11/2024 | 07/11/2028 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Mr Alex Emenike | Foundation | 10/12/2020 | 09/12/2024 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Mr Patrick McDermott | Foundation | 25/03/2022 | 24/03/2026 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Miss Veronica Morgan | Foundation | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Mrs Joanne Mullins | Co-opted | 01/12/2019 | 30/11/2023 | None | Existing Governing Body |
Mrs Catherine Nicholls | Foundation | 01/08/2021 | 31/07/2025 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Ms Steph Ryan | Staff | 10/03/2022 | 09/03/2026 | None | Staff Body |
Alderman Mary Sykes | Local Authority | 08/07/2023 | 07/07/2027 | None | Recommendation of the LA |
Ms Claire Valsler | Foundation | 15/03/2023 | 14/03/2027 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Mr Edward Walker | Headteacher | 01/09/2021 | - | None | Ex-officio |
Ms Oluwayemisi Onyeocha | Parent | 16/06/2023 | 15/07/2027 | None | Parent Body |
Ms Louise Nevers | Parent | 16/06/2023 | 15/07/2027 | None | Parent Body |
Mr Thomas Gray | Foundation | 11/12/2023 | 10/12/2027 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Ms Sarah Olive | Foundation | 19/06/2024 | 18/06/2028 | None | Clifton Diocese |
Please click here to view any Declarations of Interests which our Governors hold.
The following Governors have served in the past 12 months:
Ms Helen Burger | Parent | 01/04/2021 | 26/05/2023 | Parent Body |
Governing Body Structure
Chair of Govenors: Mr P McDermott
Vice-Chair of Governors: Mr T Gray
Clerk to Governors: Miss S Lindley
Admissions Committee (Meets as necessary) |
Mrs J Mullins (Chair) |
Mr P McDermott | |
Miss V Morgan | |
Mrs C Nicholls | |
Ms C Valsler | |
Mrs Kelly Scott (Policy meetings only) |
Finance & Premises Committee (Meets six times per year) |
Miss V Morgan (Chair) |
Mr A Emenike | |
Mr P McDermott | |
Mrs C Nicholls | |
Alderman M Sykes | |
Mr E Walker | |
Mr T Gray |
School Convener: Mrs N Fear |
Learning & Standards Committee
(Meets six times per year) |
Ms C Valsler (Chair) |
Mr S Biber | |
Mr P McDermott | |
Ms S Ryan | |
Mr E Walker |
Ms L Nevers |
Ms Sarah Olive | |
Ms O Onyeocha |
Mission & Pastoral Committee
(Meets six times per year) |
Mr S Biber (Chair) |
Mrs J Mullins | |
Ms S Ryan | |
Ms C Valsler | |
Mr E Walker | |
Ms Sarah Olive | |
Ms O Onyeocha |
Personnel Committee (Meets six times per year) |
Mrs C Nicholls (Chair) |
Mr P McDermott | |
Miss V Morgan | |
Mrs J Mullins | |
Alderman M Sykes | |
Mr E Walker | |
Mr T Gray | |
School Convener: Mrs N Fear |
The Pupil and Staff Disciplinary Committee meets as necessary and the membership is decided on a per meeting basis.
Governors with Special Responsibilities
Association of Bristol Governors Representative | Ms C Valsler |
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Children in Care | Mrs J Mullins |
Governors' Induction | Mr P McDermott |
Careers Education and Guidance | Mr S Biber |
Health and Safety | Miss V Morgan and Mrs C Nicholls |
Governor Training | Clerk to Governors |
Numeracy and Literacy | Mr P McDermott |
Online Safety | Mrs J Mullins |
Religious Education, Worship and Chaplaincy | Mr S Biber |
Safer Recruitment | Miss V Morgan |
Attendance and Minutes of Meetings
Please find below the minutes of the Full Governing Body Meetings held in previous Academic Years, and the record of attendance for all governors.
- Attendance List of Govs at meetings 2023 24
- Term 6 Minutes of FGB 16 07 24
- Term 4 Minutes of FGB 19 03 24
- Term 5 Minutes of FGB 21 05 24
- Term 3 Minutes of FGB 30 01 24
- Term 2 Minutes of FGB 05 12 23
- Term 1 Minutes of FGB 17 10 23
Academic Year 2022/2023
Copies of Minutes of Meetings are available on request from the Clerk to Governors, Mrs S Lindley.
Please email: clerk@stberns.bristol.sch.uk
Governors Code of Conduct
code of conduct for governors ced sept 2024 for website.pdf