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Our Governors

Mission Statement

Growing and Learning in Faith

Our Mission is to develop the whole person in a Catholic learning community, to provide a loving Christian environment and to strive for excellence, equality, justice and fairness.

At St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School we aim for our young people to be:

  • strong and committed in the faith of Christ
  • confident of their personal worth
  • active in response to Christ’s call to care for others
  • responsible members of society

Hence we strive to:

  • achieve excellence in all aspects of our life and work
  • foster the spiritual growth of each member of our community
  • create a happy and successful learning environment
  • develop the full potential of each individual
  • prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
  • work in partnership with home, parish and the wider community

Governors at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School

Governor Governor Type Start Date End Date Pecuniary Interest Appointed by
Mr Stanislaw Biber Foundation 08/11/2024 07/11/2028 None Clifton Diocese
Mr Alex Emenike Foundation 10/12/2020 09/12/2024 None Clifton Diocese
Mr Patrick McDermott Foundation 25/03/2022 24/03/2026 None Clifton Diocese
Miss Veronica Morgan Foundation 01/09/2021 31/08/2025 None Clifton Diocese
Mrs Joanne Mullins Co-opted 01/12/2019 30/11/2023 None Existing Governing Body
Mrs Catherine Nicholls Foundation 01/08/2021 31/07/2025 None Clifton Diocese
Ms Steph Ryan Staff 10/03/2022 09/03/2026 None Staff Body
Alderman Mary Sykes Local Authority 08/07/2023 07/07/2027 None Recommendation of the LA
Ms Claire Valsler Foundation 15/03/2023 14/03/2027 None Clifton Diocese
Mr Edward Walker Headteacher 01/09/2021 - None Ex-officio
Ms Oluwayemisi Onyeocha Parent 16/06/2023 15/07/2027 None Parent Body
Ms Louise Nevers Parent 16/06/2023 15/07/2027 None Parent Body
Mr Thomas Gray Foundation 11/12/2023 10/12/2027 None Clifton Diocese
Ms Sarah Olive Foundation 19/06/2024 18/06/2028 None Clifton Diocese

Please click here to view any Declarations of Interests which our Governors hold.

The following Governors have served in the past 12 months:

Ms Helen Burger Parent 01/04/2021 26/05/2023 Parent Body

Governing Body Structure

Chair of Govenors: Mr P McDermott

Vice-Chair of Governors: Mr T Gray

Clerk to Governors: Miss S Lindley

Admissions Committee

(Meets as necessary)

Mrs J Mullins (Chair)
Mr P McDermott
Miss V Morgan
Mrs C Nicholls
Ms C Valsler
Mrs Kelly Scott (Policy meetings only)

Finance & Premises Committee

(Meets six times per year)

Miss V Morgan (Chair)
Mr A Emenike
Mr P McDermott
Mrs C Nicholls
Alderman M Sykes
Mr E Walker

Mr T Gray

School Convener: Mrs N Fear

Learning & Standards Committee

(Meets six times per year)

Ms C Valsler (Chair)
Mr S Biber
Mr P McDermott
Ms S Ryan

Mr E Walker

Ms L Nevers

Ms Sarah Olive

Ms O Onyeocha

Mission & Pastoral Committee

(Meets six times per year)

Mr S Biber (Chair)
Mrs J Mullins
Ms S Ryan
Ms C Valsler
Mr E Walker
Ms Sarah Olive
Ms O Onyeocha

Personnel Committee

(Meets six times per year)

Mrs C Nicholls (Chair)
Mr P McDermott
Miss V Morgan
Mrs J Mullins
Alderman M Sykes
Mr E Walker
Mr T Gray
School Convener: Mrs N Fear

The Pupil and Staff Disciplinary Committee meets as necessary and the membership is decided on a per meeting basis.

Governors with Special Responsibilities

Association of Bristol Governors Representative Ms C Valsler
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Children in Care Mrs J Mullins
Governors' Induction Mr P McDermott
Careers Education and Guidance Mr S Biber
Health and Safety Miss V Morgan and Mrs C Nicholls
Governor Training Clerk to Governors
Numeracy and Literacy Mr P McDermott
Online Safety Mrs J Mullins
Religious Education, Worship and Chaplaincy Mr S Biber
Safer Recruitment Miss V Morgan

Attendance and Minutes of Meetings

Please find below the minutes of the Full Governing Body Meetings held in previous Academic Years, and the record of attendance for all governors. 

Academic Year 2022/2023

Copies of Minutes of Meetings are available on request from the Clerk to Governors, Mrs S Lindley.
Please email: clerk@stberns.bristol.sch.uk

Governors Code of Conduct

code of conduct for governors ced sept 2024 for website.pdf