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Year 8 Options

Year 8 Options

The Year 8 options process allows the students to choose further study from some non-core subjects. This is to enable students to have a more in depth experience to help them to decide upon their GCSE choices.

All core subjects will be taught in Year 9, this is not the GCSE options process. The full options process takes place in Year 9 in preparation for Year 10.

Below you will find the Options Booklet which contains information about the various subjects in the options process. There is also a link to the options form, this is where students will make their choices. For further information please watch the short options video below: 


If you require any further assistance please contact the Options Team on: pathways@stberns.bristol.sch.uk

Options Booklet

The below options booklet contains all the required information about the various subjects you can choose to study in Year 9.

Please click the link below to view the options booklet:

 Year 8 Options Booklet 

Options Form

Please complete the options form using the button below. A guide on how to complete the form is shown in the video which follows. The Options form will open Wednesday 5th June  and close on Friday 14th June. 

Please note: To access the form a stberns email address must be used. Please ensure your child has logged into their school account to complete the form. 

 Year 8 Options Form
