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Exam Results Message

A message from our Head Teacher, Mr Walker about the 2024 Exam Results:

St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School is determined in its continued pursuit of excellence in faith and learning. We are extremely proud of our students’ resilience and achievements over the course of the past two years as shown in today’s examination results, 64% of all grades were at grade 4 or higher and  45% of all grades were at grade 5 or higher. 

Mr Walker, Headteacher said, “Our congratulations go to all of our students who have achieved the recognition that they deserve for their commitment and ambition in learning.   Our students have been very hard working and dedicated in their studies and this has been shown in their results today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff, parents and governors for their dedication in helping to support our students to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions.”

There are a great number of individual success stories but particular praise goes to the following students for their excellent academic performance. Angela Thomas and Amy Chi who achieved 10 Grade 8-9’s or equivalent.