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Mission Statement

Excellence in Faith and Learning

Our Mission is to develop the whole person in a Catholic learning community, to provide a
loving Christian environment and to strive for excellence in faith and learning. 

At St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School we aim for our young people to be:

  • strong and committed in faith
  • confident of their personal worth
  • active in response to Christ’s call to care for others
  • responsible members of society

Hence we strive to:

  • achieve academic and personal excellence for each member of the community
  • foster the spiritual growth of each individual based on Gospel Values. 
  • create a happy and successful learning environment
  • develop the full potential of each individual
  • prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
  • work in partnership with home, parish and the wider community

St Bernadette School is a community of faith and of learning.  Together, as a community, we are growing and learning in faith. As a Catholic school it is our mission to work together to serve the needs of the pupils in our care.  The work entrusted to us is to help each pupil to recognise their dignity as a child of God and to help each one to fulfil the potential that God has given them.  We do this by providing an education grounded in the gospel values; where pupils can grow in faith, are stretched academically and where they are given a moral and social awareness that will help them to contribute fully to our school community and to play an active part in society both now and in the future.  In this way we work for the common good and to build up God’s kingdom.

Our vision therefore is to provide a successful community of faith and learning that is based on Gospel Values, places the child at the centre and  prepares all children to achieve academic and personal excellence. Our school values embrace the Gospel Values, equality, diversity and inclusion and are integral to our Excellence Wheel.

St Bernadette School Values

To make our vision possible  we want to ensure the development of St Bernadette’s students as scholars, develop their subject expertise in line with Rosenshine’s Principles and grow through the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.  We must therefore provide an education which enables every young person to have a positive relationship with:

  • Themselves - A St Bernadette pupil is respectful, dedicated and organised.
  • Others - A St Bernadette pupil is humble, compassionate and honest.
  • Faith -   A St Bernadette pupil is faithful, merciful and loving.
  • Learning - A St Bernadette pupil is reflective, enthusiastic and independent.
  • Their future - A St Bernadette pupil is ambitious, literate and supportive.The three year strategic plan which can be found in the strategic planning section of our website sets out how we aim to realise our mission and vision between 2022 and 2025.