Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information is vital in providing young people and their parents with information about career routes and salaries.
It helps young people explore key aspects about a particular area, including:
- The sectors, industries and businesses that operate there
- The jobs that exist
- The number and type of job vacancies
- The sectors and industries that are predicted to grow in the coming years.
- Travel to work patterns
- The kinds of skills that are/will be needed by industries and businesses.
- Pay and progression patterns
Young people thinking about future careers want to understand:
- The competition they will face – “How easy is it to get into?”
- Entry and progression routes – “How do I get into it?”
- The rewards available – “What’s the pay like?”
- The availability of jobs in their ‘travel to work area’ – “Can I travel to this work easily?”
- Recruitment and selection and the prospects of securing employment in a particular job – “Could I get into this type of work?”
- The value of particular qualifications, experience or training – “Do employers accept this qualification?”
LMI Bulletin
Each month the Office for National Statistics publishes a Labour Market Information Bulletin, an interesting read, and useful tool. Please click here to view the bulletin and previous releases.
Careerometer is an online data portal which connects and standardises existing sources of high quality, reliable LMI to support the process of identifying potential careers. It allows students to compare national average wages, working hours and future employment prospects.
Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.