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Health and Wellbeing

St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School is committed to protecting our pupils and ensuring their safety and wellbeing, not just whilst at school but also in the wider community.


There are many places to obtain information and advice relating to health and wellbeing. Below are some of the organisations that we have found to provide useful information.

Parent Zone is an organisation which has worked since 2005 in providing parents with information, support and advice particularly around digital technologies and the impact this has on families.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) is the Child Protection command of the National Crime Agency. Through their work and education, they help to keep children safe whilst online as well as studying the impact this may have on their offline lives.

The charity Mind offers free support for anyone suffering from mental health-related issues. There is a section of their website aimed specifically at young people, as well as a section for parents and carers.

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading mental health charity for children and young people. Through its website, young people and their parents can access a wealth of resources to help them respond to mental health challenges and get help.

Childline has advice and support covering a whole range of topics such as friendships, bullying and schoolwork to name just a few.

The NSPCC provide support and advice for parents on a range of topics including how to deal with tantrums, abuse and substance misuse.

Contacting School

If you have a concern about the health and wellbeing of your child that you would like to share with the school, please contact your child's Tutor or Achievement Coordinator. You can also speak to Mrs Woodley (Assistant Headteacher) who is the strategic lead for this important part of our safeguarding provision.