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Exam Results

Results Statement - September 2024

At St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School we are committed to our students achieving excellence in all that they do. As such we are proud of the results that students at St Bernadette achieved in 2024.
There are currently four commonly used headline measures for school achievement. Attainment 8, Progress 8 and grade 4+ or 5+ for Basics (English and Maths GCSE).
St Bernadette students achieved an average Attainment 8 grade of 4.3 points, with 58% of our students achieving a grade of 4+ in English and Maths and 32% of our students achieving a grade of 5+ in English and Maths. We do not yet have the official DFE Progress 8 figure, but estimate it to be in line with national expectations.
Overall 63% of grades achieved were at 4+, 45% at 5+ and 16% at 7+



Grade 5+ in English and Maths

32% of students

Grade 4+ in English and Maths

58% of students

Progress 8 Score 

Not yet available

Attainment 8 Score


Grades at grade 7 and above


The percentage entering the English Baccalaureate was 26% of the cohort.
There were a number of students who achieved truly exceptional results. Of particular note are Helen Albert (4 grade 9’s, two grade 8’s and 4 grade 7’s), Ami Chi (6 grade 9’s and 3 grade 8’s), Favour Elijah (2 grade 9’s, 3 grade 8’s, 2 grade 7’s and 3 grade 6’s), Ciaran Lewis (2 grade 9’s, 6 grade 8’s and 3 grade 7’s), Chloe loveridge (2 grade 9’s, 4 grade 8’s and 4 grade 7’s), Remi Rogers (1 grade 9, 2 grade 8’s, 3 grade 7’s and 2 grade 6’s), Angela Thomas (7 grade 9’s, 2 grade 8’s, 2 grade grade 7’s) and Marcus Lau (6 grade 9’s, 4 grade 8’s and 1 grade 6).
At St. Bernadette we want all of our students to achieve their best, we have a challenging academic curriculum and comprehensive raising achievement systems. We remain ambitious for our pupils and committed to improving outcomes for all learners and achieving excellence in faith and learning.

Department for Education Analysis

The Department for Education also provides an analysis of key school data including a
snapshot of performance at St. Bernadette School. This website can be used by governors, parents and by members of the public to check the performance of the school.

To access the information provided for St Bernadette please click here.

Pupil Destinations

2020 is the last reportable year for percentage of our pupils staying in education or employment after taking their GCSEs. 97% of our pupils were in education or employment.

For further information, please click here to see the Department for Education analysis of this measure.