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KS3 Drama

Curriculum Overview

Drama at St Bernadette is a creative and ambitious choice for students. The emphasis is on practical work, especially building confidence in performance (which may be new to some students).

The Drama curriculum fosters excellence by encouraging and supporting students to go beyond their comfort zones. Students are encouraged to develop collaborative and caring relationships with others, as they work together to achieve goals.

How will I be assessed?

All practical work that is shared within lessons is given verbal teacher feedback and / or peer-assessment feedback. When appropriate performances are recorded on video and then played by the teacher so that students can see / assess their own learning.

There are also termly assessments which are either teacher-led or peer-led. 

Important Overview Documents

Curriculum Rationale
Key Learning Steps
Year 9 Road Map
Knowledge Organiser (Use for all modules)


Introduction to Drama

Personal Learning Checklist

Introduction to Physical Theatre Techniques

Personal Learning Checklist

Introduction to Scripts

Personal Learning Checklist


Personal Learning Checklist


Personal Learning Checklist

Useful Links
