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OCR Enterprise and Marketing

Curriculum Overview

The OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing equips students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in either further study or work. The range of taught content is applicable to real business and provides a knowledge base for students to continue in to A-Level, undertake apprenticeships or even start their own business.  

How will I be assessed?

In Year 10, you will complete two pieces of coursework which accounts for the 60% of the final mark. These internally assessed modules will be completed under high control conditions and to a set assignment brief provided by OCR.

You will complete an exam in Year 11 on the Enterprise and Marketing Concepts unit which accounts for 40% of your final mark.

Important Overview Documents

Curriculum Rationale
Key Learning Steps
GCSE Road Map


RO67 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts (Year 11)

Knowledge Organisers
Personal Learning Checklist
Practice Questions

RO68 Design a Business Proposal (Year 10)

Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist
Sample Assignment

RO69 Market and Pitch a Business Proposal (Year 10)

Knowledge Organiser
Personal Learning Checklist 
Sample Assignment

Useful Links


Business Ed

OCR Enterprise and Marketing