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It is important that your child attends school every day in order to benefit from the learning opportunities provided. However, if they are unwell and cannot attend school, please let us know on the first day your child is absent by calling the absence line on 0117 377 2350 by 9.30am. On their first day back at school you must provide a note for your child absence to explain the reason why they were absent.

In some cases, depending on the circumstances, the governors may authorise absence from school (for example following a bereavement or family crisis). All requests for special consideration must be put in writing to Mrs Sheppard (Attendance Officer).

If your child is absent from school for 8 or more ‘unauthorised’ sessions (mornings or afternoons) in a 10 week period, both parents will receive a penalty notice which is a fine of £60.00 each for each sibling absent.

Work for Absent Pupils

We encourage pupils as far as possible to catch up on any work they have missed. Please click here to visit the page on our website which details work pupils can complete whilst at home. Please also remember to check Google Classroom.

Holidays during term time

Holidays are not permitted during term time. If you choose to take a holiday during term time a letter should be written to the Attendance Officer, Mrs Sheppard, at least two weeks before the holiday, to inform her of the dates your child will be absent from school. The holiday will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised absence’. Penalty notices will also be issued as detailed above if it meets the criteria.


It is important to arrive to school and to lessons on time. Registration is at 8:50am and 2.15pm. If your child arrives after these times, they will be marked as late. If your child arrives after 9.45am without a note or an acceptable reason for being late, they will be marked as ‘unauthorised absence.’ If they arrive after registration they must sign in at the main school reception.

Signing Out

If for any reason your child needs to leave school during the day, please provide a note or appointment card explaining why they need to leave. Please make dental and medical appointments out of school time; however we understand that this may not always be possible.

General Information

If your child becomes ill they must tell a teacher straight away. If your child is too ill to remain in school or need further treatment, we will contact you to collect your child. Your child is not allowed to leave school or go home without permission.

If your child requires any form of medication please bring it to the main school office before the start of the school day.

Should you have any questions regarding your child's attendance please contact your child's tutor or the relevant Achievement Coordinator in the first instance.

Please remember that every day counts for your child's learning and gaining the best qualifications they can.

Absence Request Form

Please click here to download the Absence Request Form. Please return it to the school office marked for the attention of Mrs A Sheppard (Attendance Officer).

Please fill out the Medical or Dental Appointment Reporting form below, or click here for to open a full size page. 48 hours advance notice is required for any pupils arriving late or leaving early for Medical or Dental Appointments.