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St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School is committed to ensuring that each child develops to the maximum of their potential. We encourage students to join with us in setting themselves high standards in the belief that sound academic success and a love of learning are important goals in education.

We embrace new technologies and look forward to the future while remaining faithful to the traditional values we hold dear.

We consider it vitally important that each student is stretched to his or her full potential whatever their initial abilities. A wide range of opportunities help individual students to develop at the most appropriate rate.

Those students who are gifted have additional activities to encourage the rapid acquisition of new skills. At the same time dedicated resources are available for those who need greater support with learning.

We want our pupils to look forward to coming to school each day and be excited by the learning opportunities made available to them. We expect pupils to work hard and want them to enjoy being at school. We want them to make demands of their school and themselves; we shall certainly make demands of them.